Bible Education Service (BES)

Bible Education Service is a new addition of Bangladesh Bible Correspondence School (BCS). BCS is running correspondence program for about 62 years. The main audience of the course is aduld people. There wasn’t anything for the pre-primary and primary children.

BES is for all level but it will help the pre-primary and primary Christian children of the country.

There are 5 level of the course. Each level 12 lession and in each lession there are 4 Bible Stories. The students will need about 30-40 minutes to finish each lesson.

Level 0: For the 3-5 years old children (But those who didn’t do any of the BES course upto 10 years old children also can start from that level).

Level 1: For 5 to 7 years old children (But from grade 1 to grade 5 students can do that course)

Level 2: 8-11 Years old children.

Level 3: 11-14 Years old children.

Level 4: 14 to adult.

Sunday School, Hostel and perents can start this course with their children

We are very busy in our everyday life and no time to give to our children and unfortunetly we are descipling our children by many device and could find how to pass quality time with them. For them this course will be a good one to connected with our God and introducing our next generation.

[This is a free maretials and if there are more then 5 student start this course together we try to provide the postal/courier cost.]